Tuesday, December 28, 2004

New Years Resolution

Well it’s that time again where I think of a bunch of new years resolutions that I’ll probably forget. Here are a few off the to of my head:

  • Swim a mile AT LEAST 3 times a week (I should really shoot for 4 times, but I am getting older).
  • Find a hobby that both Kerry and I can enjoy together, a family that plays together stays together. And what better time to start than now.
  • Become more involved in my church. I have the resources to offer God, just need the motivation.
  • Travel with Kerry. We should do it now before the kids come (and no, they aren’t coming yet).
  • Experiment again with cooking. I cook about 5 nights a week. But lately I’ve just been cooking the same old things rather than trying new stuff. There is a world of beautiful food out there and I need to start exploring it again.
  • Start putting money away in a smart place. You never know what will come up (like big houses, college, or retirement).

    Well, write these down and come back in a year to see how many I’ve forgotten. Happy New Years from Kerry and I.

    ~Jonathan Duty

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