Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Question of the day

How is it possible for schools to have a snow day when there is no snow and over 40 degrees?

iphone facebook

The past few years I've noticed that more and more of Kerry and I's friends are being remotely located. Obviously we have lots of friends in Texas but also many of our friends in Michigan have moved elsewhere, which makes keeping in contact difficult. I've tried to jump on the social space train and get into Facebook. The problem is when I do find myself at a computer its usually for work, and I get very little social time (just look how sparse this and my tech blog is).

Recently I discovered that Facebook has an iPhone interface. Its basically a web interface optimized for use with the iPhone, and I love it. Now when I have a few seconds free I can bring up facebook on my iPhone and write on walls and update my status.

If you have an iPhone and want to give it a try just go to facebook.com in the browser, you will automatically be forwarded to the iPhone interface. If you want a neat icon on your iPhone desktop just press the "+" button and select "add to desktop. Now facebook is 1 click away.

Has anyone had any experience with it on other smart devices (blackberry, Palm)?

Monday, January 28, 2008

Real men cook

Originally uploaded by jduty.
I make my own pizza, including my own dough. For those who don't know pizza dough is incredibly simple and the resulting pizzas are so much tastier and healthier than delivery (and I'm sure cleaner). On top of that Joshua loves them. His favorite seems to be cheese with hamburger and tomato slices (no sauce, just olive oil). We usually do this at least once a week.

So Sunday I decided to get Joshua involved. He started by watching me add the blossomed yeast to the dry ingredients and then helped me knead it into a dough. After resting he helped me roll out the dough and add the toppings. He seemed to love every second and It was a perfect example of getting your kids involved in the kitchen. Of course the only problem was keeping him from eating the cheese off the uncooked pizza while we were assembling it.

I'll have to think of other dishes he can help with, obviously pizza worked well because none of the ingredients were hot.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Christmas has come and gone

Originally uploaded by jduty.
Its been a while since my last post and for good reason, a lot has happened. Christmas was a blast, and Santa really must have thought Joshua was good this year because he made several trips. We started the season at Kerry's parents with a great Christmas. Joshua's big gift was the cadillac of wagons.

Shortly after that we flew to Dallas to be with my family and had a great time. The grandparents and great grandparents got to royally spoil Joshua and I got to see my brother and his girlfriend and some of our Baylor friends at new years. The only downside is once we got there Joshua got a nasty stomach bug. While the throwing-up only lasted a few hours he was recovering for most of the trip. Even so he was ready to entertain the whole time.

Upon returning to Michigan (and leaving beautiful Texas weather for nasty, wet, cold Michigan weather) Kerry and I both got to experience the stomach bug for ourselves. Not a flick you want to catch. Still, it was a great holidays.