Thursday, July 07, 2005

Three years ago yesterday Kerry and I were married. I can’t believe it’s been 3 years, doesn’t seem that long at all. I look back and it is amazing how much we have grown together these last few years and how she has not only become my wife and life partner, but my best friend. Who knows what the future will bring, but I know I’ll have Kerry with me to face it.

Kerry got me an iPod Shuffle and I love it. I already have an iPod which I also love but I’m always afraid to take it running or to the gym. The shuffle is perfect for it. No moving parts, weighs less than a Bic lighter, its perfect. If you are looking for something to use and don’t feel comfortable taking a $300 iPod banging around, iPod Shuffle is perfect. And with the new PodCast feature, I can listen to NPR while pumping iron.

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