Wednesday, June 18, 2008

And this is our castle

Originally uploaded by jduty.
Because Kerry and I are good and proper U.S. citizens, did we decide to spend our economic stimulus check on saving or paying off debt? HECK NO! We went out and bought a freakin big play set for Joshua!

This was really suppose to be his birthday present, but because of the delivery delay we just got it. I have to admit its awesome. The thing has 3 swings, a rock wall, rope ladder, step ladder, a 8-foot wavy slide, and a club house. Joshua loves it and so do the rest of the kids on the block. I have a feeling the wine circle will start residing in our backyard from now on.


Anonymous said...

It sounds like fun. Can I come over and play?


Dan Obregon said...

That's pretty awesome, Duty!

Misty said...

we beat you in boredom, since we don't escrow, our tax rebate is paying for our homeowner's insurance. yee haw. :)