Thursday, October 02, 2008


Wow, its been a while. So many things have been going on and we've been having a great time. My mom came up to visit last Saturday and spent the week catching up with Joshua, spoiling us with amazing cooking, and we've loved it. Unfortunately today she is off to Chicago to visit Chris in Chicago.

Sunday we all went to an Apple orchard and had a great time. Last year we did the same thing but waited too late in the year to go. This hear we hit it perfect, lots of apples, beautiful weather, and beautiful company. Here is a flickr set of our visit


Joshau is doing fantastic. We had to switch day cares a few weeks ago and once again we got really lucky. The new place is a really cool place that he can grow with and his old teacher is there also, which makes the transition easier. The first few days off drop offs was a little difficult but now he is basically running out of my arms to get started with the day. Oh, and his new trick is singing, a lot..

I've still been plugging away at Zattoo and loving every second of it. The market obviously has me a little worried but, due to luck and not any planning on my part, I haven't done too bad.

1 comment:

The Harrell Family Adventures said...

Yall look like yall are having a blast! It was so great to see yall a few months ago! Hope all is still going well!