Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Iliotibial Band Syndrome

The last 2 weeks I’ve been back running and loving it. I was averaging about 4 miles per day at a pretty easy pace (didn’t want to push it). Over the weekend I started feeling a pain on the outside of my left knee. After doing some Internet searching it I’m pretty sure I have Iliotibial Band Syndrome. Even though its sort of painful I’m really hoping this is correct because it is not a “structural” injury to the knee, but rather an inflammation of a ligament that runs from your quad around your knee and attaches in the middle of the shin. Runners see this when they rapidly change their workout regimen, or in my case start it all together. So I’m playing it safe icing my knee for 10 minutes every hour, taking IB Profin every 4 hours and not running for a few days. Something all the websites seemed to stress is you really don’t want to run through the pain because it can turn it from a very treatable inflammation to serious knee injury. Considering I just spent 2 years trying to get my knees healthy again I’ll take the advice.

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