Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Man Pretty

Kerry got me a really great gift for valentine's day. I got the Burts Bee's Ray Rum shaving kit. This kit comes with one of those lather brushes and shaving soaps that you see on old-style movies. After using it a few times I have to say I have no idea why this stuff went out of style. It is so much better than shaving cream. You basically put the soap bar in a mug, wet your brush and swirl it around the mug until the foam forms. Then use your brush to lather that stuff on, all the while ex foliating your face (not sure what that is but Kerry says its a good thing).

I get closer shaves with no burn and my skin feels better. It takes a little getting use to and I'm not totally sure I'm using it correctly yet, but I recommend it to any shavers out there.


Dan Obregon said...

Haha... old school shaving... no school like the old school. lol. enjoy making yourself man pretty...

Crissy and Kevin said...

Hey Jon - I think it went out of style for the same reason that nail files and separate bottles of shampoo & conditioner for men did - but someone's gotta keep it alive. Happy ex-foliating! -Kevin