Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Back to the Grindstone

Well, its the new year and for the first time I’m sitting at my desk. Kerry, Joshua and I had a great vacation. We started by traveling to Dallas, Texas to see my family. Joshua did very well sleeping in a new place and even cut his first tooth while down there. While there we got to see my parents, brother, grandparents and some of our friends from college.

We flew back to Michigan on the 27th and decided to spend a day settling down at home before heading to Kerry’s parents in Okemos, MI. During this time Joshua was cutting his second tooth so we figured having him in his own bed was a good thing. On the 29th we headed to Okemos and had a great time with Kerry’s family. While there Joshua learned how to blow raspberries. Lets just say that was the last time I made it through the day with a dry shirt.

We headed back home on new years eve and literally not 30 minutes after we were back Joshua crawled for the first time. That sort of took Kerry and I by suprise so we will be spending the next few days installing gates and cabinet locks.

New Years was pretty low-key. Joshua didn’t sleep well the night before so Kerry and I were pretty tired. We elected to just stay in, get Joshua to bed early and watch a few movies.

Oh.. and speaking of watching movies, we did it on our brand new HD LCD flat panel. It was awesome! I can’t believe how clear the picture is. If you are looking for TVs, I highly recommend the LCDs, they are worth it.

So now I’m sitting here at my desk missing Joshua a little (got use to being around the little guy). Kerry has off today so she is having a mom/son day. Some new pictures are up from the trip, but I’ve got many more to publish, just not the time.

Happy New Years!

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