Thursday, January 18, 2007

roller coaster of life

M0nday Joshua had a procedure to open his tear ducts. People who have seen him lately know he usually has a lot of crud in his eyes, which is due to the tear ducts not working properly. Its a common thing and the procedure is also. However, its never fun taking you baby to the hospital and having to send him into surgery. Of course most of the worry is with mom and dad, Joshua was more interested in playing with the TV remote in the waiting room and figuring out a way to put the doctor's stethoscope in his mouth.

In the end everything turned out beautifully and he was already back to chasing the cats later that day. His eyes are looking great and I'm sure they feel better also.

On that same note, my co-worker Jason and his wife had their triplets a little over a month ago. They were delivered at 28 weeks and have been on a roller coaster of different issues.
I remember how scary it was to have Joshua in the NICU and can't even begin to imagine what they are feeling. Of course doctors today are amazing and what they can do with babies is even more amazing. Without going into specifics just keep them in your thoughts. If you want to follow he keeps a pretty detailed blog about the whole experience at:

The Myers Triplets Blog

On another note my friend Curtis lost his brother last week to cancer. This is a huge tragedy and we are all thinking and praying for him and his family.

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