Wednesday, January 17, 2007 is moving!

I have decided to move this blog to Blogger. This will take effect within the next day or so. This means if you are reading this blog using a news feed (rss, atom) then you will need to reset that feed to . Using some code I wrote I have migrated all pasts posts to our new blog (let me know if you would like to do a similar thing and I’ll give you the code).

The new blog is at and in a few hours will forward to that.

I’ve decided to do this for a few reasons

  1. The new blogger is very cool and customizable. You can edit templates using a rich AJAX interface and posting via their web interface, phone, or mobile device is easy. I want this and I its for free! Plus, this will also allow me to post more often (which some will like, others won’t ;)
  2. The last few months my free time is decreased considerably (wonder why). Having someone host and manage my blog is one less thing I have to do.
  3. SPAM! As of now the domain name gets about 800 pieces of spam a day, many of which is not getting caught by my filter. I’m getting tired of this and I’m getting tired of paying for the bandwidth to host this. If you know someone who makes money off of SPAM let me know, I have some smurf attack code from college I’d like to revive on their machine.
  4. Multiple Blogs - I would like to start a blog for technical content and other stuff. Blogger allows me to do this. This way people only interested in family stuff (well, mostly Joshua) can just read the dutyfamily blog, and other can read my other blog.

So thats it. I have moved to point to this new blog, and will start posting in it immediently. Until then you can get to it at .



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