Friday, January 19, 2007

High definition sound

Kerry and I have really been enjoying our new HD-LCD TV. The picture quality is amazing and since our Comcast DVR has an HDMI interface, we can really take advantage of it. While its great to watch TV shots in high definition, I find you really get the most out of it in live television, usually sporting events. Panning through a packed football stadium seems to really show off the technology.

Once thing we have both noticed is while several TV shows and broadcasts are now in high definition, most commercials are not. This is fine, our TV shrinks the picture and displays it just fine. However something we have noticed is the sound volume increases quite a bit when a non-high definition commercial comes on while watching a HD channel. Its a pretty big difference and I'm trying to figure out if this is a function of our specific TV or just high definition in general.

Has anyone else had this issue?

1 comment:

jen barnes said...

we have that issue and we just get the regular antenna signal - no HD anything TV-wise here. I think they just program it that way, as we've noticed this for years.